Post Number 75,

 I decided to spend the afternoon and early evening,

 playing with some infrared photographs I had taken, above is the photograph as it looks straight out of the camera, not very exciting, but there is lots of detail there,

 a colour swap was next,

 and after playing with the colors and textures this was the result,

 the photograph still with plenty of detail, this a crop of the promenade, nearly done, except,

for some reason I always associate Brighton with the song Stranger On The Shore, by Acker Bilk, so I decided to have just one stranger on the shore in the final photograph, 

a change of venue, Kew Gardens, when we visited with Steve and Kai,

 to the orchid show,  

 and for myself the finished photograph, infrared is not to everyone's liking, but for myself I enjoy playing with the colors that are in the RAW files I take photographs in.


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